Review: What’s So Wonderful About Webster by Stephen Kendrick and Alex Kendrick

What’s So Wonderful About Webster by Stephen Kendrick and Alex Kendrick, Illustrated by Daniel Fernandez
Stephanie's Rating: 5 out of 5 bookmarks

What's So Wonderful About Webster is a kids' book that takes a Scriptural look at the fact that the Lord made us, and we are His handiwork! Through the experiences of Webster and his classmates during Field Day at school, we are reminded that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made." (Psalm 139:14)

I enjoyed the way that Webster's parents are portrayed. They are supportive of their son without being fussy or allowing him to wallow in self-pity. They encourage him to seek God for help and provide Webster with Scripture that he can remember when he is alone. They are not preachy or gushy, they are simply doing the job of a parent.

The artwork of this book (see some sample pages) does a great job conveying emotion, which is very important for a kids' book. My children were able to correctly identify and relate to the emotional struggle Webster faces, and rejoice with him in the end. The colors are vivid, the scenes are fun, and together with the story, and memorable book was born.

As I parent, I don't mind reading this book over and over with my kids. It was a great conversation starter and causes you and your kids to be uplifted and reminded of God's great love for us!

I think kids aged 8 to 13 would most benefit from the message of this book, but kids as young as 5 will enjoy it and at least catch a glimpse of the message it is seeking to portray.

Great kid's book!

Stephanie Garrett is a busy homeschooling mom of three who somehow always finds time to read. She has been a voracious reader since childhood and even won a bicycle in elementary school for having read the most books! She enjoys learning and growing and never turns down an opportunity to try something new. Her first love is the Lord and service to Him, second is family, and reading. She believes that anyone who learns to read with comprehension can go anywhere and do anything! She also enjoys music, theatre, sewing, and mathematics.

Disclosure: The publisher provided us with a free copy of this book for promotional purposes. A favorable review was not required. This post contains affiliate links.


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