Rendezvous With God by Bill Myers - Cover Reveal

We are thrilled to be participating in the cover real for author Bill Myers forthcoming novel, Rendezvous With God.  Scheduled for a February 2021 release, Myers feels that there is something special about this book. "Of my 120-130 published books this one feels the most important," he said.

Book Blurb

A reclusive professor’s life is turned upside down when his impulsive, fourteen-year-old niece decides to live with him. To make matters worse, he begins slipping back into Gospel times for off-the-record discussions with Jesus Christ. Soon he realizes the conversations tie directly into the drama and bitter-sweet comedy of his own life.

Myers has created angst-filled and lovable characters who reach real-world solutions in the midst of their struggles . . . but not always the way they hope.

The book has turned into a series and Myers is now writing the third installment. "I'd write myself into a corner then turn to a chair that I imagined Jesus sitting in and say, 'How would You respond?' Many of the answers that bubbled up in my brain surprised me. In fact, the experience was so exciting I'm currently working on Volume Three."

J.D. Sutter

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